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02/2016 - NC MST - Section 8 - Hanging Rock State Park to Greensboro’s Bryan Park - 63.9 Miles

Section 8 on NC Mountains to the Sea Trail. Hanging Rock State Park to Bryan Park Greensboro. I live in this section and have hiked the MST around this area numerous times. Nov 20, 2012 - Hanging Rock to Danbury - (5 miles). Day hike starting at Hanging Rock visitors center we hiked to top of Hanging Rock then followed the ridgeline that runs down to Danbury / Moratock Park on the Dan River. Note, this was a bushwack there is no trail, we just followed the ridgeline down. Feb 20, 2016 (15.5 Miles) - Day hike, starting at Eversfield Road/Hwy 150 in Summerfield and ended in Madison at US 311. We did not hike the normal MST on Hwy 65 but took an alternative route that is much more rural and has much less traffic. Late start had us night hiking until 7PM. Feb 27th, 2016 (15 Miles). Day hike from Danbury at NC8/Sheppards Mill Rd to Madison 311 via alternate route.