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05/2019 - MST Section 5 - Beacon Heights to Jeffress Park

MST, 91 miles from Beacon Heights at Grandfather Mt. to Devil’s Garden Overlook on BRP (MP 235.7) . On May 31st 2019 my son Daniel and I took a bus from Greensboro at 4:30AM to Boone where we had a pre-arranged pickup to take us Grandfather Mt. We hiked south until I got sick (food poisoning) and had to stop the hike and go home to recover. We returned on September 4th 2020, Labor Day weekend, and started from E.B. Jeffress Park and continued east on the MST finishing the section on September 7th, 2020. This has by far been the most senic section of the MST I have done. Click the image to view the items in that gallery.